Joy to the world - baseball is almost back!
The 2020 league registration portal is now open and active. Tell all your friends!
Follow this link to be taken to the registration form. Please fill it out and follow the instructions for payment.
The season starts in late April but it's coming in fast. It's never too early to begin your off-season conditioning program, that is once your Christmas dinner settles.
In TNB-50 news, Commissioner Paddy Johnson will stay at the helm through the league draft, and then turn it over to Big League Stu Clark.
Returning players, please have you apps in by March 1 (payment is due at the start of the season). This allows the league time to figure out if we are going to expand and then to prepare accordingly.
Heading into the 2020 season, let's all remember Jimmy Dugan's prayer and may our feet be swift, our bats mighty, and our balls plentiful.
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