Just after the end of the season we sent out the annual league questionnaire. This is an opportunity to learn what the stakeholders in the league (i.e.: you guys) feel about what is going right, what could be done better and where are we going.
We've gotten 28 responses, which is a little over 56 percent.
On the whole people think things are going well.
For the TL:DR contingent, here are the bullet points:
- The average score for rate the season on a scale of 1-10 was 8.58
- 100 percent felt the league was heading in the right direction.
- Those planning to return was 89.3 percent, not returning was zero, and unsure was 10.3 percent.
- The level of competition was rated 9.4 out of 10
- Umpiring rated an 7.9 /10
- Managers, in terms of communication, organization and treatment of players, rated 8.3 of 10
- The league president, in terms of communication, fairness, and leadership, rated 9.3 of 10.
- 71.4 percent feel the league is the right size, 28.6 percent feel we should expand.
- 89 percent are happy with 14-man rosters.
- 82 percent felt the length of season is just right, and 18 percent felt it is too short. No one thought the season is too long.
- Night games for the playoffs at McKenzie rated 9.1 out of 10. And 89.3 percent felt we should do nighttime playoffs again next year.
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